
Capture Lists

Posted by scotteg on April 15, 2020



Capture lists have been available in Swift since its debut at WWDC 2014. They play a crucial role in ensuring your asynchronous code does not leak memory or cause exceptions at runtime. In order to use capture lists correctly, you’ll need a good grasp of related topics including value vs. reference types, strong reference cycles, and escaping vs. nonescaping closures. In this article, I’ll cover these supporting topics first, and then explain why, when, and how to use capture lists effectively.

Value and Reference Types

Value types include all of the basic data types in the Swift Standard Library, such as String and Int. Collections such as Array are also value types. These types are defined as structures. In other words, structures are value types. Enumerations are also value types.

Value types are passed by copy¹. This means when you assign a value type to another variable or constant, or pass a value type to a function, the value is copied and the original value is left untouched.

Example of value types

var a = 1
let b = a
a = 2
print(a, b) // Prints 2, 1

Reference type include classes, functions, and closures².

Reference types are passed by reference. When you assign a reference to a variable or constant, or pass a reference type to a function, what you are actually passing is a pointer to the same instance of that reference type in memory.

Example: Reference types

class SomeClass {
    var value: String
    init(_ value: String) {
        self.value = value

let a = SomeClass("Hello, world!")
let b = a
a.value = "Changed"
print(a.value, b.value) // Prints Changed Changed

Strong, Weak, and Unowned References

Note: This section introduces some preliminary terminology and theory. These topics will be expanded upon and used in examples throughout the rest of the article.*

A strong reference will refuse to release or “let go” of the instance it is referring to. When you define a property of a reference type, it will be a strong reference by default. A strong reference property, once assigned, will not release the instance it refers to until either that property is set to nil³ or the property’s owner is deallocated.

Within the definition of a class, the keyword self is a strong reference to the instance of that class.

Only class reference types may be marked as weak or unowned. In other words, a closure property cannot be marked weak or unowned.

A weak reference will only hold on to the class instance it is referring to until there are no longer any strong references to that instance. Once there are no longer any strong references, a weak reference will be set to nil and release its hold so that the instance it referred to can be deallocated and its memory freed. For this reason, weak properties must be defined as Optionals.

Similar to a weak reference, an unowned reference does not keep a strong hold on the class instance it refers to. However, an unowned reference expects that the instance it refers to will always have a value, and will not be deallocated before the parent of the unowned instance. Therefore, unowned properties should not be defined as an Optional.

Strong Reference Cycles

A strong reference cycle occurs when two class reference type instances hold a strong reference to each other. In this scenario, each instance will refuse to let go of the other instance. The result is, neither instance is deallocated and their memory is leaked.

Example: Strong reference cycle

// 1
class Band {
    var singer: Singer?
    init(singer: Singer? = nil) {
        self.singer = singer
    deinit {
        print("\(Self.self)", #function)

class Singer {
    let name: String
    let band: Band
    init(name: String, band: Band) { = name = band
    deinit {
        print("\(Self.self)", #function)

// 2
var steelDragon: Band! = Band()
var bobby: Singer! = Singer(name: "Bobby Beers", band: steelDragon)

// 3
steelDragon.singer = bobby

// 4
bobby = nil
steelDragon = nil

In the above code:

  1. Band and Singer classes are defined. Each class has a property of the type of the other class. And each class will print a descriptive message in their deinit method.
  2. Instances of both classes are created.
  3. The Singer instance is assigned to the Band instance’s singer property. At this point a strong reference cycle is created, because each instance holds a strong reference to the other instance.
  4. Each instance is set to nil, but neither instance is deallocated, because it still has a strong reference to it.

Nothing will be printed because neither deinit is called.

Preventing Strong Reference Cycles

To prevent a strong reference cycle, at least one of the properties between two class instances that reference each other must either be marked as weak or unowned.

1. A weak property must be of an Optional type, because it will be set to nil when there are no other strong references to that instance.
2. An unowned property should not be an Optional, because it is expected to never be nil for the life of the instance that owns that property.

Example: Breaking a strong reference cycle with a weak reference

// 1
class Band {
    weak var singer: Singer?
    init(singer: Singer? = nil) {
        self.singer = singer
    deinit {
        print("\(Self.self)", #function)

// 2
class Singer { ... }

var steelDragon: Band! = Band()
var bobby: Singer! = Singer(name: "Bobby Beers", band: steelDragon)

steelDragon.singer = bobby

// 3
bobby = nil
steelDragon = nil

In the above code:

  1. Replaces previous definition of Band.
  2. Same definition of Singer as in previous example.
  3. The weak property will break the strong reference cycle and both instances will be deallocated.

This will print:

Singer deinit
Band deinit

Example: Breaking a strong reference cycle with an unowned reference

// 1
class Band {
    var singer: Singer?
    init(singer: Singer? = nil) {
        self.singer = singer
    deinit {
        print("\(Self.self)", #function)

// 2
class Singer {
    let name: String
    unowned let band: Band
    init(name: String, band: Band) { = name = band
    deinit {
        print("\(Self.self)", #function)

var steelDragon: Band! = Band()
var bobby: Singer! = Singer(name: "Bobby Beers", band: steelDragon)

steelDragon.singer = bobby

// 3
bobby = nil
steelDragon = nil

In the above code:

  1. Replaces previous definition of Band. In this version, the singer property is a regular (strong) reference to an Optional.
  2. Replaces the definition of Singer. In this version, the band property is an unowned reference.
  3. The unowned property will break the strong reference cycle and both instances will be deallocated.

This will print:

Singer deinit
Band deinit

Escaping vs. Nonescaping Closures

When a closure is passed as a parameter to a function, that closure can be defined to behave in one of two ways:

  1. Nonescaping - program flow is not allowed to exit the scope of the function until the closure parameter has finished execution. This is synchronous behavior.
  2. Escaping - program flow will exit the scope of the function before the closure parameter has finished execution. This is asynchronous behavior.

A closure parameter is nonescaping by default. In order to define a closure parameter as escaping, mark the parameter using the @escaping attribute.

Example: Defining an escaping closure

func execute(action: @escaping () -> Void) {

When an escaping closure parameter of a method references any member of that type, including properties and methods, self must be explicitly written. This is enforced by the compiler to make the capture semantics explicit. In other words, the compiler is reminding you of your responsibility to properly handle captures of self or any of its members.

Defining Capture Lists

Capture lists are primarily used to prevent strong reference cycles in closures.

A capture list is defined at the beginning of the body of a closure, before argument names and the return type are defined. As implied by its name, a capture list can contain more than one value. Each capture is defined following this format:

weak/unowned captureName = classReferenceTypeInstance

If the capture name is self, or it matches a property name of the class in which it is defined, you can omit explicitly defining the assignment and it will be inferred.

Example: Defining a capture list

class SomeClass {
    let value = "Hello, world!"
    lazy var printValue: () -> Void = { [unowned self] in

In the above code, an unowned capture of self is created. Because the capture name is self, it is not necessary to explicitly assign it (e.g., [unowned self = self]).

Tip: A lazy closure property is treated as an escaping.

Multiple captures are separated by commas.

Example: Defining a capture list with multiple captures

class SomeClass {
    // 1
    typealias PrintableObject = AnyObject & CustomStringConvertible
    var value: PrintableObject?
    lazy var printValue: () -> Void = {
        // 2
        [unowned self, weak theValue = self.value] in
        guard let theValue = theValue else { return }
    init(value: PrintableObject) {
        self.value = value
    func execute(action: @escaping () -> Void) {

In the above code:

  1. A type alias is defined to represent class types that conform to the CustomStringConvertible protocol by providing a textual representation.
  2. The capture list defines an unowned capture of self and weak capture of self.value, using explicit assignment for the second capture because it uses a different capture name.

Preventing Strong Reference Cycles in Closures

1. A closure is a reference type.
2. The self keyword used in a class definition is a strong reference to the instance of that class.

For this section, an iOS app project will be referenced. The app displays a Present Alert button, and tapping it presents an alert. In the alert’s definition, an action is performed asynchronously after a three-second delay. The action is an escaping closure parameter of the DispatchQueue.asyncAfter method. To test for the occurrence of a strong reference cycle, dismiss the alert within three seconds.

If you’d like to follow along with the examples in this section, you can download a starter version of this project here.

In each of the following examples, the following actions are presumed:

  1. The alert view controller will be presented.
  2. The alert view controller will be dismissed before three seconds have elapsed.

Example: No strong reference cycle, closure is executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {

    deinit {

In the above code, the print statement will be executed after three seconds, even if the alert is dismissed beforehand. The trailing closure of asyncAfter holds a strong reference to self until the print statement has executed. At that point, self is released and the alert instance is deallocated. This will print:

Hello, world!

Example: No strong reference cycle, closure is not executed, exception because self is nil

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {

    var value = "Hello, world!"

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [unowned self] in

    deinit {

In the above code, self will be nil before the three-second delay has elapsed. However, creating an unowned capture of self requires that self will never be nil. So, when the print statement is executed and it attempts to reference self.value, an exception will occur.

There are three situations where creating an unowned capture of self is advisable:

  1. A view controller that will never be dismissed.
  2. The class is implemented as a singleton, i.e., only a single instance of the class will be initialized and shared globally, and the instance will not be deallocated during the app’s life-cycle.
  3. self is referenced in a nonescaping closure.

Tip: Presented view controllers that can be dismissed and classes that can be deallocated should not contain unowned captures.

Example: No strong reference cycle, closure is not executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

    deinit {

In the above code, a weak capture of self is made inside the closure, and the guard statement attempts to create a local temporary strong reference to self — i.e., self is not nil— before executing the print statement. If the alert is dismissed before the three-second delay elapses, self will be nil and the print statement will not be executed. This will print:


Tip: It is also common to use a different name for the strong reference to self in a closure, e.g., guard let strongSelf = self else { return }.

Example: Strong reference cycle, closure is executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"
    var action: (() -> Void)?

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        action = {

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {

    deinit {

In the above code, an action property is added that is a closure. self holds a strong reference to its action property, and the value assigned to it holds a strong reference to self. This creates a strong reference cycle. Neither the closure or the instance of the alert will be deallocated, and their memory is leaked. This will print:

Hello, world!

Example: No strong reference cycle, closure is executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"
    var action: (() -> Void)?

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        action = { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {

    deinit {

In the above code, the action closure property is assigned a value that first creates a weak capture of self, and then attempts to create a temporary strong reference to self. If it’s successful, it executes the print statement that references self. The weak capture prevents a strong reference cycle. However, the asyncAfter closure will hold a strong reference to self until it has finished executing. This will print:

Hello, world!

This may be desired behavior in some situations, where you want the closure to keep a strong reference to self until it can finish its work. However if the work performed in the closure is unnecessary, and especially if that work is expensive, it would be more performant to avoid executing that closure if self is nil. You’ll see how to do this in the last example.

Example: Strong reference cycle, closure is executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"
    var action: (() -> Void)?

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        action = {

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

    deinit {

In the above code, it might seem at first that the weak capture of self in the closure will prevent a strong reference cycle. However, even though the asyncAfter closure only weakly captures self, the action property of self strongly captures self. Therefore, self strongly holds action, and action strongly holds self. This creates a strong reference cycle. This will print:

Hello, world!

Example: No strong reference cycle, closure is not executed

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    var value = "Hello, world!"
    var action: (() -> Void)?

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        action = { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

    deinit {

In the above code, both the action closure and the asyncAfter closure create weak captures of self and then temporary strong references of self before referencing self’s members. This will print:


This example demonstrates preventing a strong reference cycle, and it prevents executing the asyncAfter closure if self is nil, i.e., the alert was already dismissed and is deallocated. This would be advisable if the result of executing that closure is not needed.

Tip: This also applies to nonescaping closures. If the only remaining strong reference to self is in a nonescaping closure, creating a weak capture and then using a guard statement at the top to attempt to create a temporary strong reference will fail and the closure will not be executed.

Capturing Multiple Class References

Creating capture lists of self is by far the most common technique to prevent strong reference cycles. However, it is also possible to create capture lists that capture other class references beside self, or that capture more than one class reference.

Example: Capturing multiple class references

class AlertViewController: UIAlertController {
    // 1
    class Action {
        let execute: () -> Void
        init(action: @escaping () -> Void) {
            self.execute = action
    var value = "Hello, world!"
    var action1: Action?
    var action2: Action?

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // 2
        action1 = Action() { [weak self] in
            self?.value = "Changed"
        action2 = Action() { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
            // 3
            [weak action1, weak action2] in
            guard let action1 = action1,
                let action2 = action2
                else { return }

    deinit {

In the above code:

  1. An Action class is defined to encapsulate a closure property.
  2. Both the action1 and action2 properties are assigned instances of Action that weakly capture self.
  3. A capture list is created that create weak captures of action1 and action2, and then strong references to those class instances before calling their execute method.

This will print:


Capture List Decision Flowchart

Use this flowchart to determine if a capture list should be defined in a closure in a class type.


In this article, you learned about:

  1. Value vs. reference types.
  2. Strong, weak, and unowned references.
  3. Strong reference cycles between class instances and how to prevent them by creating weak and unowned properties.
  4. Escaping vs. Nonescaping closures.
  5. Capture lists and how to define them with one or more captures.
  6. Using capture lists in escaping closures to prevent strong reference cycles.

You can download the final version of the project in this article here.

¹ Technically, value types are passed by copy-on-write, which means they won’t actually be copied until they need to be mutated.
² Functions are actually just named closures.
³ This would require the property to be an Optional.
A function within a type definition is referred to as a method.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© 2020 Scott Gardner